How to Tell if Your Computer Has a Virus

    If you are looking for the best Virus Removal in Ashford Kent and the surrounding communities of Kennington, Willesborough, Kingsnorth, Brabourne, Sellindge, Charing, Pluckley, Ham Street, Aldington, Mersham, Wye, Hothfield, Goddington, Little Chart, Brook, Egerton, Challock, Shadoxhurst and Hythe consider Flag Computer Repair, your best choice. Affordable Computer Repair Service. Local, mobile service. Fully insured and industry certified. Free Collection available.

    how-to-tell-virus Flag Computer Repair Ashford Kent

    How to Tell if Your Computer Has a Virus?

    Sometimes computers do wacky things that ring alarm bells and make us dive for cover. Next thing you know, you’re running scans on repeat and demanding everyone come clean about their browsing habits. Fortunately, not all weird occurrences are caused by viruses – sometimes your computer is simply overloaded, overheating or in desperate need of a reboot. Here are the tell-tale signs of a malware attack:

    Bizarre error messages

    Look for messages popping up from nowhere that make no sense, are poorly worded or plain gibberish – especially if they’re about a program you don’t even have. Take note of anti-virus warnings too, check the warning is from YOUR anti-virus software and looks like it should. If a message pops up that isn’t quite right, don’t click. Not even to clear or cancel the message. Close the browser or shut down the computer instead, then run a full scan.

    Suddenly deactivated anti-virus/malware protection

    You know the best way to get past the guard? Send him for a coffee break! Certain viruses are programmed to take out the security systems first, leaving you open to infection. If you reboot and your protections aren’t back on the job, you are more than likely under attack. Attempt to start the anti-virus manually and you’ll know for sure.

    Social media messages you didn’t send

    Are your friends replying to messages you never wrote? Your login details might have been hacked and your friends are now being tricked into giving up personal information or money. Change your password immediately, and advise your friends of the hack.

    Web browser acting up

    Perhaps you’ve noticed your homepage has changed, it’s using an odd search engine or opening/redirecting unwanted sites. If your browser has gone rogue, it’s definitely a virus, usually one intended to steal your personal or financial details. Skip the online banking and email until your scans come up clear and everything is working normally again.

    Sluggish performance

    If your computer speed has dropped, boot up takes an eternity and even moving the mouse has become a chore, it’s a sign that something is wrong. But not necessarily a virus. Run your anti-virus scan and if that resolves it, great. If not, your computer likely needs a tune-up or quickie repair.

    Constant computer activity

    You’re off the computer but the hard drive is going nuts, the fans are whirring, and the network lights are flashing like a disco? It’s almost like someone IS using the computer! Viruses and malware attacks use your computer resources, sometimes even more than you do. Take note of what’s normal, and what’s not.

    Got a virus? Give me a call at 07976 151148

    Want to see the current health of your system then click this link. It will take you to my FREE and anonymous Windows system scan

    I send out Free computer tips and tricks updates twice a month, this is an example. Subscribe via This Link I’ll give you a guide to the ‘Top Ten Tips for Staying Safe Online’ + “Is Your Tech Dragging You Down.”

    The best way to recover from a compromise, malware or system failure is to have a backup.
    Did you know that if you use an SSD drive, most new computers have one installed by default, when you click delete your data is gone forever, immediately!
    I can provide a backup service to protect you from losing your photos and documents It will also help to protect you from Ransomware. You will be getting;

    • An Industry leading brand
    • I will manage and monitor to ensure you are protected.
    • I will provide, install and support the backup software
    • Free back recovery
    • Fully encrypted to protect your data
    • An external drive is included (if required)

    If you get the backup service as part of my Total Protection Plan, I also offer FREE virus recovery.

    Does your current provider offer that? Have you even got a backup? I offer this service from £16 per month. Contact me for more information

    I can help with:
    Computer Repair
    PC Repair
    PC Tune-up
    Virus Removal and Repair
    Network Repair
    Computer Monitoring Service
    Data Recovery
    Data Backup
    New Device Setup
    Computer Training
    Printer Repair

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